Please expect delays on MHX due to road and weather conditions. To receive real time updates and announcements download the PassioGo app.
SAM Estacada fare will resume February 1, 2025.
MHX and SAM have partnered to provide a combined Estacada and Village Shuttle route! This partnership will allow for 7 runs a day, 7 days a week, providing much needed additional service to Sandy, Estacada and the Mountain communities! The route will start on Sunday, October 13, 2024.
THE ROUTE NOW INCLUDES VISTA LOOP!!!! The route will stop at all SAM/MHX designated stops along the routes, including all Sandy stops on Hwy 26, Hwy 211 and Eagle creek Rd. To view the schedule click here.
The mobile and web-friendly software will have all the features you currently enjoy including bus location, estimated time of arrival and stop information. In addition, riders will be able to set up customized alerts. Please visit https://passiogo.com/ or download the app (available for iPhone and Android) to learn more.

Welcome to Mt. Hood!
The Mt. Hood Express transit is a public bus service administered by Clackamas County and serves the communities along Highway 26, running from the city of Sandy east to Government Camp and Timberline.
The Express: Operates 7 days a week as a limited stop commuter service between the City of Sandy and Timberline. Seasonal service features include bike trailers and ski boxes for the convenience of riders to stow their equipment. The Express does not operate on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day.
Villages Shuttle: Operates 7 days a week as a deviated fixed route for local service between Sandy and Rhododendron. The Villages Shuttle does not operate on New Years Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
One-way fare is $2
All-day pass is $5 and includes the Sandy Area Metro (SAM) buses that run between the TriMet Gresham Central MAX station and the Sandy Transit Center.
Coming from the Portland area?
With one ticket you can reach beautiful Mount Hood by taking SAM from the Gresham Transit Center to the Sandy Transit Center. At the Sandy Transit Center board the Mt Hood Express and up to the mountain you go.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often does it run?
The Express runs seven days a week, year round. The route begins in Sandy and ends at Timberline. There are seven bus runs daily and one additional late night bus run during the winter season, December 1st through March 31st.
The four daily Villages Shuttle runs begin in Sandy and end in Rhododendron.
Sandy Area Metro (SAM) provides daily connecting routes from Gresham to Sandy.
The Express does not operate on the following holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
The Villages Shuttle does not operate on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Bus may be delayed, go on snow route or service may be canceled during severe weather conditions. For the latest information on route changes download the DoubleMap app or call 503.668.3466. For weather see the ODOT Trip Check website.
How much to ride?
The Mt. Hood Express is $2 for a one-way trip or $5 for an all-day pass. Day passes also include unlimited trips on the City of Sandy SAM buses. The service model includes a public-private partnership between Clackamas County, Timberline Lodge and Mt. Hood Skibowl to provide financial support for the operation of the service.
What about accessibility?
Buses are wheelchair lift equipped and drivers are trained to provide assistance. Priority seating is available on all buses for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Controlled service animals are welcome. Pets are permitted in a carrier only. Buses are equipped with bike racks year round and seasonally with bike trailers or ski boxes.
How is this service funded?
The Mt. Hood Express is funded through a public/private partnership. The previously-operated Mountain Express relied on Business Energy Tax Credits to fund a substantial portion of its operations. That tax credit program ended in 2013, leaving the local, flag-stop service without funding. The generous support of Timberline Lodge and Mt. Hood Skibowl have provided the required grant fund match for the Mt. Hood Express service to be awarded new transit funds to both continue operations and increase service. Without their support, the service would not be in existence.
Title VI Compliance
The Mt. Hood Express Respects Civil Rights
Clackamas County operates its programs without regard to race, age, religion, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by law in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, ORS Chapter 659A or other applicable law. To request additional information on Clackamas County Title VI nondiscrimination requirements or to file a complaint, please call (503) 655-8640 or email SocialServiceInformationComplaint@co.clackamas.or.us
Clackamas County respeta los derechos civiles Clackamas County opera sus programas sin importar la raza, edad, religión, color, sexo, país de origen, discapacidad física o mental, estado civil o de veterano, orientación sexual, identidad de género ni cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley de acuerdo al Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles, ORS Capítulo 659A o cualquier otra ley aplicable. Para solicitar información adicional sobre el Titulo VI de Clackamas County, los requisitos de no discriminación, o para presentar una queja; favor de llamar al: (503) 655-8640 o por correo Electrónico a SocialServiceInformationComplaint@co.clackamas.or.us
Организация Clackamas County соблюдает гражданские права Организация Clackamas County осуществляет свои программы независимо от расового происхождения, возраста, вероисповедания, цвета кожи, пола, национальности, физических или психических функциональных нарушений, семейного положения или статуса ветерана войны, сексуальной ориентации, идентификации пола и любых других характеристик, подлежащих защите от дискриминации в соответствии с разделом VI закона США «О гражданских правах» и (или) разделом 659A свода законодательных постановлений правительства штата Орегон, а также предусмотренных любыми другими применимыми законами. Чтобы запросить дополнительную информацию о наших требованиях Название VI недискриминации или подать жалобу, пожалуйста, звоните (503) 655-8640 или по электронной почте SocialServiceInformationComplaint@co.clackamas.or.us
For more trip planning information visit City of Sandy, Google Transit Trip Planner, or Trimet.
For information about our area visit Mt. Hood Territory or Clackamas County.
For local weather and road conditions, visit ODOT's Trip Check.
Mt Hood Express Information:
For ADA requests and reasonable accommodation please contact:
City of Sandy Transit Operations
Managed by Clackamas County Social Services
Please contact us directly with any complaints or concerns, including discrimination of any form
PO BOX 2950, Oregon City, OR 97045
TTY Services: (503) 650-5646
The Mt. Hood Express Respects Civil Rights
CCSD ADA Plan Reasonable Modification Policy
Clackamas County ADA Complaint Form CCSSD Title VI Plan